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Knee To Throat

Knee To Throat

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starbound64 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 10:20am  
So you're prejudging based on skin color? Somebody remind me what that's called...
@AngryCodger : Ooooh! Oooh! Oooh! Pick me ! Pick me! I know!!
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NoTime Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 10:38am  
Crispus : Sorry. That was mean of me. I don't wish you or your family member harm. No one ever says "My uncle is a cop and he's a real ******"... We keep telling the same lie, it seems. I'm tired of all cops aren't bad bs. Yes they are, if they're not speaking up, speaking out and affecting change, I think they're just as responsible. I'm sick of the idea that's its just a few bad police. Clearly it's not just a few bad ones. I think there's a pervasive undercurrent of racism that among white cops and I'm sick of playing nice. FTP.
@ClaudeK : Interesting point.
After 9/11, a lot of Muslim = terrorist talk ramped up because we didn't loudly and consistently and repeatedly over and over and over hear Muslims speaking up against terrorism.
I can see how some communities will continue to have a negative view of all police until the good completely overwhelms the bad.
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Crispus Active Indicator LED Icon 1
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 10:52am  
Crispus : Sorry. That was mean of me. I don't wish you or your family member harm. No one ever says "My uncle is a cop and he's a real ******"... We keep telling the same lie, it seems. I'm tired of all cops aren't bad bs. Yes they are, if they're not speaking up, speaking out and affecting change, I think they're just as responsible. I'm sick of the idea that's its just a few bad police. Clearly it's not just a few bad ones. I think there's a pervasive undercurrent of racism that among white cops and I'm sick of playing nice. FTP.
@ClaudeK : No worries, I wasn't offended. And I don't disagree that cops who stay silent while their peers do something bad are part of the problem, and that the near-military, tight-lipped structure of any police force exacerbates the problem. I assume my relative isn't one of those, but without watching them day-to-day, I really have no way of knowing for sure. They've expressed many times that crime isn't a race issue but is typically a poverty/low education issue, so I hope they're decent.
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CCubs Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 11:19am  
ClaudeK : Neck and throat are on opposite sides of the body.
@starbound64 : Your throat is part of your neck.
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leslie110 Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 12:56pm  
ClaudeK : You can demonstrate without looting and burning. Theyre seizing the opportunity to be lawless and take what they want. My guess is only a few even care the guy died.
@starbound64 : Do you mean protest peacefully like Kap did by taking a knee during the National Anthem?
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pictureme2 Active Indicator LED Icon 2
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 1:06pm  
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AngryCodger Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 1:21pm  
a few words from Candace Owens:
No one-not a single solitary person defended or excused the death of George Floyd, so why is this rioting happening? Because that is what the media wanted. Because it's what they have trained us to do since the mid 60's, when they married us to the Democrat Party. The race riots of the late sixties should served as a lesson: when black Americans began looting, burning, and rioting in Detroit and Chicago, the white business owners abandoned those flourishing cities, plunging them into the poverty and crime-ridden hubs that we see today. When we riot, we harm NO ONE BUT OURSELVES. To all of you MORONS who couldn't see this coming and did exactly what the left wanted you to do, drumming up the rhetoric with claims that blacks are constantly under threat and there is no way forward- just who exactly did you think you were helping when you said that? YOU DESTROYED BLACK LIVES. Now, as always, the result will be that black neighborhoods are decimated, black people are arrested, and black families are impoverished, while white liberal politicians will stump on our issues, pretending to be our shoulders to cry on. They will tell us it's because of systemic oppression and we will believe it and repeat the same ******** again, EVERY FOUR YEARS.
The truth is that WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES. We allow our black youth to be programmed by a satanic media that tells them that they will never be anything, and life will never be fair so they MIGHT AS WELL lead lives of anger and crime.
Our inability to THINK through emotional tragedies is our biggest curse, and the Democrat Party's biggest blessing.
But I'm a coon, right? Well I must be a coon with a crystal ball since I keep accurately predicting EXACTLY what will happen every election cycle.
You want me to show some compassion? Why don't you show some brain cells, and STOP allowing entire generations of our black youth to be ROTTED by the racist white liberals that own and operate the mainstream media.
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starbound64 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 2:23pm  
@leslie110 : As long as you're on your own time and not the dome of an employer.
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leslie110 Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 2:25pm  
leslie110 : As long as you're on your own time and not the dome of an employer.
@starbound64 : It wasn't during a game so I guess they weren't on the 'dome' of the employer.
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starbound64 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 2:26pm  
@CCubs : I guess we will wait until the autopsy to find out the cause of death.
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billybob Active Indicator LED Icon 13
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 2:26pm  
There are published news reports that one of the officers was involved in something , a couple of years ago, that resulted in an excessive force lawsuit that was settled by City of Minneapolis.
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starbound64 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 2:27pm  
@leslie110 : He was in their uniform.
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leslie110 Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 2:28pm  
leslie110 : He was in their uniform.
@starbound64 : So if someone is wearing a uniform they are getting paid? That's not how it works.
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CCubs Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 2:53pm  
CCubs : I guess we will wait until the autopsy to find out the cause of death.
@starbound64 : It is pretty clear what the cause of death was. I am not denying that.
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RambleOn Active Indicator LED Icon 17
~ 4 years ago   May 28, '20 3:52pm  
Didn't I read that the man was in handcuffs at the time the officer used his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck as other officers stood around doing nothing?
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