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by: JnJ Active Indicator LED Icon 17 OP 
~ 8 years ago   Jul 23, '16 9:02pm  
So WikiLeaks just did a Yuge data dump on email communications in and out of the DNC. It is fully itemized and indexed with a search tool. 😂😂😂Shows how the DNC clearly worked to undermine Bernie and coronate the queen Hillary. Grab the popcorn and look it up. Sorry Bernites, but the system is rigged even more than you imagined . Too bad you can't get a refund of your donations
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bgbird68 Active Indicator LED Icon 8
~ 8 years ago   Jul 23, '16 9:22pm  
Actually, there's a class action lawsuit against Little Debbie and the DNC.
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tntrecycling Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 8 years ago   Jul 23, '16 10:26pm  
You got to believe everything you read on the Internet.
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JnJ Active Indicator LED Icon 17 OP 
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 7:46am  
Oh yeah and i failed to mention the collusion between the DNC And the #MSM. So awesome! 😂😂😂
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ricardo Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 10:11am  
Waserman Schultz should be fired or resign in short order.
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tntrecycling Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 10:31am  
@ricardo WoW like that ........ some one doing wrong should get arrested and time when its called for. Kind of reminds me of one of the candidates running for office. I wonder if this happened to a normal person what would of been the outcome.
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leslie110 Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 4:19pm  
Debbie Wasserman Schulz resigned.
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bgbird68 Active Indicator LED Icon 8
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 4:31pm  
Only to be hired by Hillary ! You can't make this stuff up !!! Absolutely sickening.
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leslie110 Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 4:47pm  
Source? I googled but couldn't find anything about her being hired by Hillary.
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EBvexed Active Indicator LED Icon 4
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 4:58pm  
Clinton "announced that Wasserman Schultz would serve as her campaign’s honorary chair."
www.huffingtonpost.c om/entry/debbie-wass erman-schultz-resign s_us_5795044ae4
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leslie110 Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 5:00pm  
Oh geez...really?
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ricardo Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 7:21pm  
I wonder if and when wikileaks will release Hillary's emails.
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bgbird68 Active Indicator LED Icon 8
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 8:21pm  
Next week, Ricardo. Much more to come.
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ricardo Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 9:36pm  
might be more effective to do it the week before the election. less time for the spin doctors.
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EyeintheSky Active Indicator LED Icon 10
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 9:39pm  
@ricardo OH God would that be just AWESOME catch her at her worst and let the world see into her mind. Would bet that is one SCARY place with dark secrets.
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tntrecycling Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 8 years ago   Jul 24, '16 9:45pm  
@EyeintheSky @ricardo Normal people that run or try to run the world. Wasn't this done already. What we going to do today Brain same thing we do everyday Pinky try to take over the world.
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