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Gordman's to close

Gordman's to close

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by: DennisinMH Active Indicator LED Icon 12 OP 
~ 4 years ago   Feb 20, '20 10:36pm  
Gordman's to close
Both of them, according to PJS.
PEORIA - Store managers at the two Gordmans in the Peoria area both confirmed that their stores would be closing.
The manager of the store in East Peoria said liquidations would begin Friday and the store,, located at 340 West Washington St., would remain open until the inventory was gone.
A store manager at Gordman's in Peoria confirmed the department store located near The Shoppes at Grand Prairie is closing but didn't have a date of when or couldn't say why. She referred all calls to the chain's national headquarters.
The Peoria location opened in 2006, according to Journal Star archives. The East Peoria location, in the Levee District, opened in 2013.
Gordmans is an Omaha-based apparel and home fashions retailer that has about 140 locations and operates in 22 states. According to its website, the company bills itself as a department store chain selling apparel, footwear, beauty products and more at discounted prices.
This story will be updated.
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mypeez Active Indicator LED Icon 15
~ 4 years ago   Feb 21, '20 7:15am  
Great reporting PJ Star - freakin' losers. Gordmans declared bankruptcy in March of '19. That might be why they're closing!?! Took about 2 minutes of Google research. business/local/gordm ans-files-for-bankru ptcy-closing-al
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leslie110 Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 4 years ago   Feb 21, '20 2:42pm  
Didn't they close once before?
Good riddance.
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cjsummers Active Indicator LED Icon 17
~ 4 years ago   Feb 21, '20 2:54pm  
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RambleOn Active Indicator LED Icon 17
~ 4 years ago   Feb 21, '20 3:51pm  
Part of restructuring? Seldom went to the one at Grand Prairie and have only been to the East Peoria one a few times over the last year. Used to visit it more often. Not just a local operation. Used to stop at Goody's in Lincoln when it was there. Hate seeing businesses close. www.homeworldbusines tores-eyes-bankruptc y-filing/
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mypeez Active Indicator LED Icon 15
~ 4 years ago   Feb 22, '20 7:02am  
I can honestly say I don't think I ever even been in either one of the stores. Nothing against it, just have frequented Kohls, Pennys and Bergner's (back in the day Emoticon).
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tntrecycling Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 4 years ago   Feb 22, '20 8:49am  
Hard times for some businesses. The out come is closings of stores. Just to join another list of closed stores. Shame that these places close.
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skutfarcus Active Indicator LED Icon 12
~ 4 years ago   Feb 22, '20 11:44am  
I kinda like Gordman's. It has a little something for everyone, without covering 5 acres.
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starbound64 Active Indicator LED Icon 5
~ 4 years ago   Feb 22, '20 3:51pm  
I'd like to know what we are going to do with all the vacant buildings in Peoria.
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cjsummers Active Indicator LED Icon 17
~ 4 years ago   Feb 22, '20 4:48pm  
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pictureme2 Active Indicator LED Icon 2
~ 4 years ago   Feb 27, '20 5:41pm  
@skutfarcus : Me, too.
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