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Harmonie Singer's Bratfest featuring Eddie Korosa and Craft Beer Tasting!

Harmonie Singer's Bratfest featuring Eddie Korosa and Craft Beer Tasting!

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Sunday, Aug 2nd, 2015

Free Admission
Hickory Grove Park
12403 Hickory Grove Road, DunlapView Map

Harmonie Singer's Bratfest featuring Eddie Korosa and Craft Beer Tasting! Event Details:

On Sunday, August 2, 2015, the Harmonie-Concordia Singers of the Peoria German American Society will be hosting their annual Bratfest at Hickory Grove Park from noon to 8 p.m. – Free Admission and Parking. The Bratfest is a traditional German Picnic held in a beautiful tree covered biergarten. Family friendly event!

In conjunction with the Bratfest an import and craft beer tasting will be held from 1-6 p.m. Over 30 different craft beers will be available for sampling for a modest charge per 4 oz sample.

Hickory Grove Park, 12403 Hickory Grove Rd., Dunlap is just north of Peoria. Take Route 40 (old Rt 88) North to Hickory Grove Rd. Turn east and look for additional signs.

Eddie Korosa returns to Peoria for an afternoon of outstanding accordion fun for listening or dancing a polka! Eddie was voted the "Piano/Keyboard Player of the Year" in 1996 and "Accordion Player of the Year" in 1997 by the United Polka Association. Eddie's 9th album "CLASSICS" was nominated for Grammy consideration in 2008. Even though polkas are Eddie's favorites music, the band plays favorite standards, from big band waltzes and swing to rock and roll, country, and even line dances, from the '20's to the '70's.

Other entertainment being provided by (subject to change): Ratskeller Brummers, Lindenhof Echoes, and the Peoria Volkstaenzer. The entertainment begins at 1:00 pm.

Special Activities:
- Muscle Car, Hot Rod and Customized Motorcycle Cruis’n runs from noon to 5:00 pm. This includes both American and foreign made vehicles. Participants in the Car and Mortorcycle Cruis’n will receive a coupon for a complimentary beverage (beer, wine, or soft drink) or sandwich good for the day of the event. Participants must arrive prior to 2:30 pm to receive the coupon.

- Fine Arts and Craft Village featuring a variety of handmade items from local handicrafters. The village is a has added to the cultural aspect of our festivals. Craft fairs, markets and craft guilds have a long history in Germany. A German gift tent will be open offering a number of imported items from Germany for sale.

A shooting tent is also available. Air gun shooters have the opportunity to earn prizes. A playground is available for the kids.

Food to be served includes: Pork schnitzel w/ red wine sauce, Bratwurst, BBQ Pulled Pork, Mashed Potatoes, German Potato Salad, Sauerkraut, Red Cabbage, Bavarian Pretzels, Homemade ice cream, and assorted desserts.

Full dinners served until 6 p.m. Sandwiches available afterwards.

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